Please enter one or more Johanson part numbers below and click Search.
Enter only one part number per field:
1st P/N:
2nd P/N:
3rd P/N:


At least three P/N characters are required to perform a search.
Determine critical part parameters such as voltage, size, dielectric, cap. value and include those in your search string. The more characters defined, the more focused the search results will be.
• "202" will return all 2000 volt MLCCs
• "202R18" will return all 2000 volt size 1206 MLCCs
• "202R18W102KV" is a very specific search
To search for a cross to another vendor's P/N consult Johanson's P/N Cross Reference Guide.
Search results are sorted by part number and upload date. Distributor line-items with the most recent upload dates will appear first.
In the Search results, click on suppliers name for more information, to E-Mail a RFQ, or to E-Mail a PO.

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